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4 reasons why you should try circuit training

Between your kids, your work and your friends we all know how difficult it can be to slip a workout into your busy lives! Every time you skip exercise you can be sure your body will be there to remind you it’s been a while since your last training.

How to include exercise for your health?

The good news is it only takes 30-minutes to get stronger and healthier. At Curves we believe in circuit training – a 30-minute full body workout incorporating strength training and cardio exercises.

Here are 4 benefits you can get from circuit training!

Help prevent osteoporosis

Getting strong bones with strength training

Here are a few startling facts about this bone disease, courtesy of the National Osteoporosis Foundation:

  • Roughly one in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis.
  • Post menopause, estrogen plummets, you lose its protective effect on bone health, and the rate bone loss increases. You can lose up to 20 percent of your bone density in the 5 to 7 years after menopause.

Circuit training combines weight-bearing exercise with strength training, and both have been shown to stimulate bone growth, improve bone density, and help prevent osteoporosis.

Help prevent heart disease

Prevent heart disease with exercise

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death among women, and we know that cardio workouts—walking, running, cycling, and so forth—boost cardiovascular health.

So too does strength training.

Several studies have shown that regular resistance training helps lower resting blood pressure, raise levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, reduce levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower blood triglycerides. Give heart disease and diabetes a one-two knockout punch at Curves where each 30-minute circuit delivers both a strength and cardio workout.

Help lift depression

Happy woman with circuit training

Women are twice as likely as men to suffer depression say experts at the Mayo Clinic. Circuit training can provide relief. Many studies have shown that aerobic exercise and resistance training individually and in combination can improve mood, boost self-esteem, reduce tension, increase energy and help lift depression.

Be happy. Get on the circuit.

Enjoy community and friendship

Community and friendship with circuit training

We seek out friendships and we nurture them for the emotional and practical support we find and that we give back. Relationships enrich our lives and are important to our mental and physical health.

Friends lift us when we’re down, motivate us toward accomplishment, and champion our success. Working out side-by-side with other women on the Curves circuit engenders friendship and all of its gifts.

On the Curves circuit, you will be welcomed and embraced, and that sets you up for success at achieving all the health benefits circuit training makes possible.


Are you ready to give circuit training a try? Book today your free no obligation consultation at Curves!

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