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Don’t Skip Your Curves Workouts This Winter

As Christmas is fast approaching we find ourselves making more plans to socialise with our friends and family, enjoy meals and celebrate with drinks – however this is not an excuse to skip your Curves exercises. Despite all the busy plans it’s important to stay on track and keep 30 minutes’ spare for your workouts. 

Exercise should never be a chore, we want our Curevttes to love each and every minute they are working towards becoming healthier within their body and mind, which is why we believe the key to success is training your mind to becoming more positive. As much as you need to enjoy your workout, you also need to make the most of the festive period, enjoying time with your family and loved ones – it’s all about balance! 

We have come up with some top tips of how to stay motivated during the colder months and not skip on any of your workouts! 


Benefits of Winter Workouts

It’s key to continue to stay on track with your exercise during winter as it’s known during this time we tend to indulge more and at times feel less positive and motivated due to the dark and long days. Here are some handy tips which will help you stay active during winter:

  • Balance is key, especially during the holiday season! You will be more tempted by foods and alcohol this time of year so you must exercise more to maintain your weight and stay on track.
  • When you exercise your body releases endorphins which is a chemical that triggers a positive feeling in the body – this will help you stay in a healthy mind set for the rest of the day. The holiday period is all about enjoying yourself which is why it is important to do what you can to promote this within your body. 
  • Exercise relieves stress and allows us to focus on making positive changes. During this time of year, people tend to become more anxious and stressed due to external pressures. For example, some people may feel more overwhelmed with financial pressure, making sure everything is complete for the New Year or even waiting in long queues at the shops. Working out regularly will balance out the hormones of stress and maintain a healthy body and mind. 


The Push You Need to Stay On Track 

Sometimes, you will find that you work out more often than not and will use every possible opportunity to stay active but forget to stay organised and follow the guidelines put in place to maintain this healthy routine. We believe at Curves the most important thing is to plan in order to stay on track, here are some tips we like to follow: 

  • Put time aside within your calendar for your workouts: have a dedicated time period where you can solely focus on you and your exercise at Curves. If you are finding it difficult to make time with your hectic schedule please speak to a member of our team who will make time to suit you – remember we want to get the results right for YOU. 
  • Find yourself a fitness friend: grab your gym buddy and plan to do your exercises together. If you don’t feel motivated to work out, then you won’t only be letting yourself down but your partner! This should help keep you on track. 
  • Have reminders which will make you want to train: one of our favourite tricks at Curves is to encourage our ladies to associate exercise with something positive. For example, you may want to attach a photo of your family to your calendar so that when you get a reminder to work out you see a happy photo which will inspire you to reach your goals. 
  • Reward yourself: when you do a 30 minute Curves workout you are exercising your whole body, working on your cardio, strength and endurance! This is a lot and definitely deserves a treat so why not plan to arrange to meet with a friend after your workout for a coffee? Remember you need to acknowledge your hard work and reward yourself. 


If you are looking to stay active and on tracking this winter, then don’t miss out on the opportunity to make some lifelong fitness friends by contacting us for a free consultation or find your local Curves gym

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