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January Detox: Boost your Energy

Start your year on the right path, and reset your body. During the holidays we tend to eat everything to our heart's content which quite frankly is absolutely ok. However, as we enter this new year, we can jump back into the routine and boost our healthy habits.

An after-holiday detox can have multiple benefits for our physical and mental wellbeing. Our bodies are pretty good at eliminating toxins. However, a little help can make a big difference. Think of doing a detox like hitting a reset button for your body. Detoxing can help you increase your energy levels, balance your hormones, and improve digestion. What is there not to like, right? Interested? Keep reading below for a few ideas on how to detox your body.

Herbal Teas

Keeping hydrated is something we often forget to do during the winter months. Without adequate hydration, our bodies struggle to get rid of toxins. Herbal teas and tea in general, can help us purify and release accumulated toxins.

A hot cup of herbal tea before bed or in the morning has multiple beneficial effects. Fennel tea, for example, can aid digestion and decreases the occurrence of both bloating and flatulence. Fruit infusions with shea, rosehip and dehydrated fruit, for example, can help keep your body toned and improve digestive functions.

Drink More Water

It seems pretty simple, right? Our bodies are made of water and therefore need water to survive. However, how often do you drink water? 

Drinking plenty of water can prevent fluid retention because your body won't try to retain water if it's getting enough in the first place. Drinking water also helps your body burn stored fat, and has a positive effect on your skin. If you don't like drinking water, you can add some flavour to it by adding lemon or orange wedges, mint leaves, or even a few crushed berries.

Eat More Fish

Reduce your consumption of red meats and focus on Fish. Fish is a low-fat, high-quality protein. Fish is also rich in Omega 3, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease and lower bad cholesterol. Omega 3 fatty acids also may decrease the risk of depression, ADHD, Alzheimer disease, dementia and diabetes.

Tuna, mackerel, salmon, swordfish and cod, are particularly beneficial as they have vitamin A, B, D, calcium, phosphorus, and copper.

Eat More Fruit & Vegetables

Eating lots of fruit and veg helps control blood pressure. Vegetables and fruits also contain antioxidants that are molecules capable of slowing or preventing other molecular oxidation processes.

A few favourites that are not only delicious but also essential during detoxing:

Fennel: low in calories and rich in water and fibre, fennel has depurative and diuretic properties, stimulating digestion and naturally regulating liver function, accelerating the elimination of toxins.

Artichokes: are among the most detoxifying foods for the liver and control normal diuretic and digestive function. Artichokes are perfect raw in a salad, but can also be enjoyed steamed or pan-fired.

Pineapple: a good source of vitamin C, magnesium and mineral salts, pineapples fight free radicals and act as a depurative and natural antioxidant. This fruit also helps stimulate metabolism and promotes digestion.

Pears: have excellent diuretic properties and help dispose of excess liquids and any toxin accumulation in your body. They are low in calories and an excellent source of fibre.

Avoid Sugar & Additives

Easier said than done, we know. Especially after the holiday season, which is why we recommend you start by making small changes and progressively reduce the amount of sugar you consume. Eliminate any processed foods and stick to natural sugars.

Make Healthy Habits

• Organize your pantry: make sure you have light snacks such as fruits and vegetables readily available in your fridge 

• Eat consciously and slowly, paying attention to what you are putting in your body 

• Treat yourself to a nice massage with essential oils, such as peppermint oil

• Eat light meals in the evening

• Be sure to catch up on some sleep (sleep at least 7h-8h per night)

• Spend your time with people who have the same wellness goals as you

• Spend time exercising. 30 minutes of exercise a day can change your life.

2021 is your year! Get started today, and build the road to your wellbeing path. Remember is all about balance and building healthy long-lasting habits. Need a little help? Contact your nearest Curves today and find out how they can help you keep on track, lockdown or not we are here for you.

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