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Celebrate International Day of Friendship, Giving a Friend a Helping Hand

Today is the International Day of Friendship. It was created ten years ago to promote the importance of friendship in building peace and understanding around the world.

At Curves, friendships are at the core of what we do. We believe that having a strong-knit community is vital in developing women's self-confidence, boosting happiness and reaching goals. Friends can help you feel motivated, happy, and confident. When you glow, we all glow. 

We know this last year has been challenging, as many of us have been physically isolated from friends and family. Therefore, we want to invite you to do something special for a friend today (or any day) to show them how important they are in your life. 

Discover why socialising can be beneficial for everyone.

Friends for Wellbeing

Biological need – we are hardwired to be social.

Friendships are essential at any age. Childhood friendships, for example, start our learning process. Friendships can help us sharpen our minds, making us generally happier; They also help us know ourselves better, become inspired to reach our goals, and live a longer and healthier life. 

The empathy and connection you gain by being in a relationship with other females help stabilise you. In their study "Biobehavioral Responses to Stress in Females: Tend-and Befriend, Not Fight-or-Flight," Laura Klein, Shelley Taylor, et al. found that female friendships reduce stress. In addition, the connection between women increases the release of oxytocin, which relieves tension. 

Friends can Boost your Self-esteem. 

Our previous article, "Self-esteem and the Importance of a Supporting Network", talked about the positive impact of female friendships and motivation. Mutual support can keep us motivated, keep us going when we are feeling low and keep us moving toward our goals. This is one of many reasons why working with a community of supportive women can be beneficial for you.

'Women Supporting Women' is more than just a phrase. It is a sentiment that grows stronger in today's world. Feeling valued and worthy, having a sense of belonging and feeling welcomed into a group, and growing a tribe of women who support women is what we do at Curves! 

Give a Friend a Helping Hand

There are many ways in which you can show love to your best friend. And you may have your rituals and ways to show love and appreciation within your social groups. However, here are a few suggestions, remember a simple act can mean the world for someone who needs a helping hand. 

  • Call your friend now and then to say hello and see how they are doing. 
  • Drop by with baked goods, a fruit basket or a board game to enjoy some quality time together
  •  Give your friend words of encouragement to foster a positive attitude
  •  Make them laugh! 
  •  Listen to understand and empathise with their struggles and validate their feelings
  • Plan a fun girly activity; Brunch, workout together, or plan a pampering session!

Working Out with a Friend at Curves

At Curves, you won't just be joining a 30-minute workout session and done. No! at Curves, you will be joining a community of women who work hard together and support each other to achieve their wellness goals together!  

We believe in creating a fun and inclusive workout environment, welcoming everyone, no matter your age or fitness level. So bring a friend with you! Socialising as we work out makes it feel less like a chore- at Curves, we make sure to laugh and chat while we exercise; time flies when you're having fun! 

Sticking to a fitness routine can be difficult, especially when you've had a long and exhausting day. However, working out with a friend can help you get out there even on the greyest of days. How? well…

  • By Keeping you motivated: You won't want to give up. You wouldn't want to disappoint your friend!
  • Making you Laugh: You know the two of you have fun together! You laugh, you chat, time passes by faster. 
  • Increasing your energy: Healthy competition between friends is an excellent way to keep going and going. 

Working out with your friends is beneficial. But, whether you bring a friend or make new friends at Curves, our coaches are also there to motivate and train you at every workout. The Curves circuit is expertly lead by certified instructors, guaranteeing the most efficient use of workout machines and ensuring that proper form is maintained throughout.

If you would like to become part of the Curves community, head to our website to find your nearest Curves gym and book your free consultation today!




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Celebrate International Day of Friendship, Giving a Friend a Helping Hand
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