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Strength Training Tips

At Curves, everyone who joins and trains with us soon realises the benefits of strength training. And this is because our workouts are designed to strengthen and work every part of your body, right from the all-important core, all the way to your upper and lower body. But a lot of people often equate strength to muscle and bulk – and the reality couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s not about getting bigger, it’s about being stronger – and all the benefits this offers. We’ve collated some great tips from our personal trainers to ensure you get the most out of your strength workouts:

  1. Always warm-up.

At Curves, the warm-up is part of your session, it’s built-in to every workout so you can start each session on the front foot. And because it gets your heart-rate up and increases circulation of the blood to your muscles, it’s the ideal way to prepare your body for latest training block!

  1. Fit in a post-workout stretch.

Regular stretching can reduce muscle tension, it can promote an increased range of movement in the joints and it even enhances muscular coordination. At Curves, a post-exercise stretch is included in the 30-minute full-body workout. So, there’s no excuse not to stretch.

  1. Refuel with protein and carbs.

If you don’t eat correctly, you won’t be able to perform to the best of your abilities. Eating the right foods after a workout aids muscle repair to help you gain strength.

  1. Take rest days seriously.

Taking rest days actually benefits your fitness and improves your likelihood of keeping to a regular training schedule. This is because your body needs time to recover and replenish its energy stores. It aids muscle recovery, helping them to repair tissue, gain strength and get you ready for your next workout. 

  1. Drink plenty of water.

Staying hydrated is key to a great workout. Sipping water between stations will help you regulate your temperature and you’ll get less tired, less quickly.  

  1. Pay attention to your form.

As with any exercise, your form is so important. Our personal trainers will be your expert guides to help you realise your potential and hit your fitness goals.  

  1. Remember to breathe.

Believe it or not, breathing correctly will help your workouts too. Not only will it oxygenate your muscles, but it will keep you focused!

  1. Don’t quit too soon!

Curves also acts as your very own support network so there’s always someone to reach out to. So even if things get tough, we’ll support you every step of the way.

By taking all of our tips onboard, you’ll be ready to take on any workout and get stronger. Strength training also helps to create stronger muscles, which increases their stability too. This means they’re more protected against internal pressure and strain, but they also provide increased shock absorption, so everyday tasks you need to perform seem much easier to achieve. So take the stairs, carry that extra bag of shopping or dig the garden. Nothing can stop you now!    

Feel stronger both inside and out, book your free consultation now or contact your nearest Curves club.

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